A million
thanks for all your prayers and support for our last
mission to Stockholm, Sweden. All the prayers were answered
and more! Provision for all our needs was met one week before
we left the USA, my health (6 months pregnant) was excellent
and I had more energy than ever before, our intimacy
with Jesus was strong- we both came home more in love with
Jesus and each other, and finally, salvations, healings,
and miracles were present all throughout the trip! We hope
you can feel our excitement just reading this letter.
One page is not enough to share with you all that we saw
God do so we will give some highlights and would be
delighted to share the photo album and talk with anyone who
desires to hear more of what God did with two ordinary people
who dared to believe God for extraordinary things- it's that
simple- no special gimmick! God is requiring child-like faith
of us in this hour. It was fun to grab God's hand and
be a child again in Sweden; to believe God could give us this
nation and heal this land with His power!
preaching of the word was strong and effective. Even
as Neil preached healings were present and people
began to raise their hands and tell of what was
going on in their bodies! One woman just started crying
out that
all the pain in her eyes that she suffered with for so long
was gone! Another man came forward who could not use
his arm to hold his cereal box that morning and could
now lift it high above his head pain free! As words of knowledge
were coming about specific illnesses, people were coming
forward to receive deliverance and healing. One woman
with severe respiratory problems had died the night before;
fortunately the doctors were able to revive her. She was brought
to our meeting by a friend and as she was gasping for air
Jesus had compassion and healed her. As she was healed
she could not quit laughing and falling over. Even as she
gave her testimony the following Sunday before the congregation,
she had to be held up because she was falling to the floor
laughing with joy. We have since received a letter from her
friend. In the letter was the full doctors report on the
severity of what she was diagnosed with and the healing!
She is now out on the streets healing others and proclaiming
what God has done for her. Now that's revival!
there were hundreds of healings, Muslims came to Christ,
young people dedicated their lives to Christ, many Christians
re-dedicated their lives to Jesus as they received healing
and accurate prophetic words. We could go on but we
don't have space. Overall, there were hundreds of healings,
Muslims came to Christ, young people dedicated their lives to
Christ, many Christians re-dedicated their lives to Jesus
as they received healing and accurate prophetic words.

Neil Preaching at Oasis Church
Go Forth ministries is
a full gospel ministry
proclaiming Jesus Christ around the world.