Dear Friends,
We just arrived
home ( Feb. 4, 2003) from a 6 week mission trip to New Zealand
and Australia . We saw healing, salvation,
renewal, and much outpouring of the Holy Spirit for this
end time harvest! God has already spoken to us about Sweden
and we've just purchased the plane tickets for April/May
2003. It appears as if our baby will see 3 continents
and 4 countries before being born this August!
We would
like to tell you a few stories that really
touched our heart while in Australia and New Zealand. After preaching,
Neil had a word of knowledge about ears that needed healing.
A woman came forward who had been deaf in her left ear
since childhood. After receiving prayer, she quietly went
back to her seat. The same woman came up again to tell
that God had healed her ear and that she wanted to know
how to give her life to Christ! What a beautiful
demonstration of the power of God to heal and save! Neil
likes to say that healing is a dinner bell to salvation.
Praise the Lord.
After preaching at a wonderful
Tongon church in New Zealand,
God told Neil to dance with an elderly woman who could
barely use her legs. As Neil took her hand and began to
dance she received full use of her legs and went dancing
and laughing all around the church like a little girl!
What a beautiful manifestation of the power of our God
to heal and bring joy to all who are hungry for it.
we saw unity amongst believers and denominations
in Australia as 10 churches united for a tent revival
that was advertised in the local paper. Over 700 showed
up to receive a touch from God. As Neil preached, the power
of God fell and many were delivered, healed and saved!
Thank you Lord!
Overall, we preached in 25 churches while
in Australia/ New

Praying for People at a Tent Revival
Over 700 attended

Neil at a Tongan Church in New Zealand

John Edwards (Missionary We Support)
on the Video
Forth ministries is a full gospel ministry
proclaiming Jesus Christ around the world.